Requirements to keep vassal when they inherit foreign lands


What are the requirements for keeping someone as your vassal when they inherit/conquer lands outside your realm ?

The wiki says they most already hold an equal title in your realm, but I've had many counts inherit foreign duchies. But when a baron inherited a foreign duchy, he left my realm and took his barony with him. I then assumed the rule was they can only inherit a title one rank up from the one they currently have, but a duke inheriting a kingdom leaves your empire.

So from what I can tell, the rules are somewhat arbitrary. What are the requirements for keeping a vassal when they inherit a holding/county/duchy/kingdom?

Best Answer

It depends on what will be their primary title after inheritance. If a title being inherited is a higher tier title then this will always end up being their primary title. If this title is outside your realm then the inheriting vassal will leave your realm. If the title is equal or lower rank as what they currently hold then their current title will be their primary title and they will stay in your realm. If the realm of the inherited title has high crown authority then your noble will be unable to inherit the lands (and thus the land will stay in your realm, paradoxically).

As far as I understand, your realm having high crown authority only prevents foreign nobles from inheriting titles from your realm and taking them to another realm, but it does not prevent your nobles from inheriting foreign titles and leaving your realm.