Vassals inheriting titles below yours outside your realm


I'm a king of feudal gavelkind kingdom.
My direct vassal count of my kingdom de jure county inherited a duchy outside my de jure kingdom.
I was surprised when he left my realm upon inheritance. This question
explained why this happened – rank-defining title made him independent (I suspect that in m y case because he made new duchy his primary title and declared independence due me not being his de jure liege).

What could I have done to prevent that from happening?

  • Does result vary if inheriting vassal is/is not of my dynasty?
  • Kingdom law (controlled inheritance/strong crown authority)?
  • Would he stay in the realm if he was originally holding a duchy title in my de jure kingdom?

Best Answer

Through some console shenanigans I set up a situation to test your 3 specific questions:

enter image description here
Controlled Realm Inheritance set to Illegal

enter image description here Sardinia is an independent duchy within my de jure, but not de facto Kingdom of Lombardy

enter image description here Countess Anselberga is my vassal, dynastic count. She is first in line to inherit Sardinia.

enter image description here The Duke(Doux) of Sardinia dies. Anselberga becomes the Duchess of Sardinia, taking the county of Florens with her.

So we can conclude that dynasty members will still leave, even with Controlled Realm Inheritance and both her old and new titles being de jure vassals of your primary title.

To prevent this:

  1. Disqualify him from succession
  2. Change the heir of the foreign title. (e.g. If he's inheriting because the foreign ruler has no kids, try to find a young, lustful bride to bear the foreigner some kids)
  3. Get him a title equal or greater than the foreign title (lesser than your own title, of course) (e.g. grant him one of yours, push a claim of his, take one in a holy war)
  4. Revoke his title, so he can't take it with him
  5. Make the foreign title part of your realm or destory it via conquest
  6. kill him, and hope his heir isn't next in line to the foreign title.
  7. If all else fails, make sure the title you're losing is in your de jure realm, so you can declare a de jure war to reclaim it.