Seeing the Savage!, Elusive!, and Baroque! Qualities


I've noticed that I recently gained a few new Qualities, namely Savage!, Elusive!, and Baroque!:


It seems that these Qualities are part of the forbidden game of Knife-and-Candle, but I haven't put myself so in harm's way as to gain admittance to this dark sport.

I also have another picture to show how perplexing this situation is to me:

Not a participant in Knife-and-Candle

If I am not a player in the game of Knife-and-Candle, why am I seeing these Qualities?

Best Answer

A (very!) late response: I've found that, when you go on a zee-voyage, it clears a large number of progress qualities. This includes SAVAGE!, ELUSIVE!, and BAROQUE!.

If this problem happens again, and you have access to a zee-vessel, go on a cruise and it should clear things up.