Sharing Playstation Now with Vita


We have a PS4 and a couple of playstation network accounts. My account has a PS Now subscription. My son has a subaccount on our PS4 and he's able to play PS Now games on it. He also has a Vita that is attached to his PSN account. Can I share the family PS Now account with my son on his Vita?

Best Answer

PlayStation Now can be shared on the PS4 because your account is the subscriber, and is on the same PS4 as your child's sub-account. However, on the PS Vita, only one user is supported and cannot be changed. As a result, your PlayStation Now subscription cannot be shared with the PS Vita, only the PS4.

The only way to get around this would be to sign-up to PlayStation Now on the sub-account, so you can access it on both the PS Vita and PS4. As your account will also be on the PS4, you'll be able to share the subscription.

Note: I've not tested this myself, but based on how the users work on both consoles and the sharing policies on the PS4, it should work in theory.