Starcraft 2 Protoss: Can’t Use My Resources Effectively


So I have this macro trouble of mine.I am currently a gold league Protoss player and playing WoL at the moment.
The problem is, I end up having over 1k minerals and can't properly waste them all! Last match I didnt have enough gateways so I had little army supply.My APM stands around 60-90 in my matches.What can I do to improve my macro or not to ask generally; how can I use all my resources fast and effective enough?

Best Answer

While I am not pro, expanding is one way to dump minerals. The more expansions, the more bases you can have, so when you loose one you could quickly come back trough another base. Sacrifice units in combat, put pressure by constantly attacking with lower tier units, unless opponent will steam roll your units that is. Get upgrades and research, having two or more upgrade structures isn't that bad in mid to late game. You can also dump resources into building proxy structures. While gateways can warp in to any pylon, robo and stargate(?) can not

This is at least what I've learned from watching hundreds of matches, both low and high league ones.