Starcraft – Are shield upgrades more effective than armor upgrades


I have been told that when playing as Protoss, I should upgrade attack and armor from my two forges. But wouldn't shield upgrades prove more effective as they regenerate while armor doesn't unless you're playing a team match with a Terran who has a medivac.

So, which upgrade is more effective? Armor or Shield?

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Best Answer

Most protoss units have more health than shields, so armour is worth more than shields in terms of extra health. This is compounded with the base armour of the units. It is much better to have armour 2 and shield 0 than armour 1 and shield 1 in terms of how many hits it takes to kill you, when you are fighting units such as zerglings and marines. This means armour increases the chances of your units being left alive to regenerate shields!

If you are going air, or archon you might prefer to get shield than armour. Shields will also affect your buildings if you are going for a lot of cannons.