Starcraft – As a zerg against a bioball, should you focus fire on the medivacs, or on the offensive units


Assuming it's early-mid-game and I have relatively few hydralisks and mutalisks behind my main force of zerglings and banelings, does it make sense to focus fire on the medivacs or just try to take out more of the things that can shoot back? Marines are appealing targets, given their high DPS-to-HP ratio.

If the answer is "no, don't focus on the medivacs," then based on this more general thread it sounds like there's no point on focus-firing at all, let units pick their own targets.

If it matters, I'm playing against the AI on very hard. I'm too chicken to try placing yet.

Best Answer

Seeing as you have few hydras and few mutas, but apparently a sizeable force of banelings and zerglings, I would say YES have your few units that are capable focus the medivacs AFTER battle has begun if possible. Your going to want the marines busy with the banelings and zerglings so they wont pick off the few mutas and hydras you have. Micro a bit, force the medivacs out of position and pick them off. Really however, if your Bane\Zergling force is appropriatly sized, the medivacs shouldn't help the Terran player much. Banelings pretty much instakill marines.