Starcraft – Playing Protoss vs Zerg should I target the hatchery or the drones


As protoss, in a 'normal' – with no early rushes- I like to go 3 gate Robo and push out, with an immortal or two (if I see Roaches), or just gateway units otherwise. This normally works well and I expand behind the push, sometimes just before, and can often do a lot of damage to a Zerg's base. However not always and if I do not do sufficient damage I end up losing.

When I hit the zerg base – say with his natural expansion up and running – what should I target as a priority to deal the most damage? I normally only have small window of opportunity before mutas pop or he gets enough zerglings to surround me.

Best Answer

In the situation you described above: Target drones.

The reasoning is because that is guaranteed damage. The drones will die; if you target the hatch, it might live and his drones can happily go back to mining after your army is killed/driven out.

Killing drones also gives you an economic advantage. With the zerg race, the player has to actively make the decision of, "Am I going to spend this larva to make a drone, or an attacking/defending unit". By killing the drone you slow down his economy, force him to spend the larva to keep up with you economically (assuming you keep making harvesters/expanding), and weaken his attacking/defending force because he used the larva to produce a drone instead of a zergling, roach, muta, etc.