Starcraft – Counter siege tank mass with certain build


I'm using this build from filtersc. It's basically a MMM build (Marine, Marauder, Medivac) with +1 attack, stim, and combat shield. I feel like I win every single game using it except those against opponents who mass tanks. How do I counter this with the build that I have?

Best Answer

There are two answers, assuming you can't simply outplay your opponent.

  • Drops
  • Sky Terran

Drops means you utilize your Medivacs to attack areas where he has few tanks. Tanks gain their power because they are able to eliminate large groups of units before those units have a chance to fire. When there are only two or three tanks, they can't really do this and so you're capable of taking fights that are very cost-effective for you. As soon as the game swings beyond 3-base vs. 3-base, you have a huge mobility advantage and with 2 or 3 full Medivacs you can easily deny your opponent expansions or take out under-fortified troops. At this point, the only thing you really have to fear is a single massive attack. Beating this attack can be difficult but the main reason you'll beat it is again, with drops. As you see him start to move out, drop a few full Medivacs into his production line and that way you'll force him to pull his attack back or win the game outright with no reinforcements. Then you'll just have to trade effectively and

With Sky Terran, or air play, you gain a higher Viking count and use it in conjunction with Banshees and later possibly Battlecruisers or Ravens to force unsieges and win engagements. You can do this because you should have significantly more gas than your opponent, as he's invested into Tanks and you haven't. This also gives you free reign to drop as you please. The main issue here is that transitioning to Sky Terran leaves you very open to an attack as you do so, because he'll be hitting the critical mass of tanks that he needs to devastate you with an attack just as you start to gain air control.

The only other answer is to outmicro him by picking off out of position tanks, splitting units effectively, flanking, dropping lines of units into his tank line to negate their splash power, etc.