Starcraft – Do master-level players use build orders frequently


Is it a very common practice to execute a specific build order in a master league?
I wonder if it's really a standard way of playing, or players just improvise efficiently without using any builds at all.

Best Answer

At higher levels you do not use Build Orders as you know them, like:

  • 10 Supply
  • 12 Rax
  • 13 Gas
  • ...

Instead the pro players just memorize the order they want to get. For every sequence they have sub sequences they can substitute. The key is to know the results.

For example [Supply, Barracks, Gas] and [Supply, Gas, Barracks] lead to the same buildings, but have different effects. The former allows you to get units faster and you have more Minerals, the later lets you harvest way more gas but you are very vulnerable. Another good example is Protoss: Do you create or skip the first Zealot?

With scouting and other information like not seeing Mutas at 10 minutes etc. they know how to react and change the order of their sub sequences accordingly.

Once you know how to macro properly you do not need supply or time information, as you just get the buildings as fast as you can without missing production cycles.

You do not need to be Master league for this to kick in, usually around Diamond you change your way of thinking in hard Builds and everything seems to "just work".

Still Build Orders are a good way to share Builds and even Pros need a guideline how to execute a completely new strategy they have never used before. They will look at the build and memorize the key elements.