Starcraft – Effect of recent casts on opponents playstyle


I've noticed a correlation between my opponents play-style and the set of casts (VODs) recently released. It seems the more popular the caster, the more likely I'm going to face whatever strategy they're show-casing or recommending. A good example of this is when Day9 released a 'Refining a build order' cast that showed how to do 1 reaper FE – it seems like I faced this build against at least 50% of my Terran opponents for the week or so after it was released.

I'm wondering first if any of you have also noticed this coorelation, and second whether anyone wants to prove or disprove it.

I know that most people are attracted to this site because they are both programmers and Starcraft players, and I believe all the necessary data is available, we can see what builds people are using (both from and the advanced replay sites), and we know what the casters are sticking out there.

I realize this information wouldn't be useful to you Master leaguers' as most of you aren't getting your builds from the casting sites, but for those of us playing Bronze-Plat I'm wondering if we could improve our results by planning our builds to counter what is being seen in recent casts.


Best Answer

I didn't notice the correlation, but In my own experience, I tried in practice some features seen from casters :)

Don't think you can build your strategy based on recent casts. I see few reasons for that:

  1. Not everybody can get benefits of PRO-gamers strategies;
  2. You can't know in advance which EXACTLY strategy will be used against you.

Scout 1st, you will see opponents build... If you believe something and do counter to what you believe, that will much worst than doing more generic strategy.