Starcraft – Getting Better — Playing other races


So, I figure that the next step in getting better as a player is to play as the other races to get to know their strengths/weaknesses/openers/etc.

Do you recommend this practice? What do you think about as you are doing it? Is there a good meta strategy that you recommend? Do you play scored games? Or do you play against AI to avoid getting crushed on record?

Just wondering what you think?

Best Answer

I think what helps to a certain extent. I recommend instead of playing random, pick one of the other 2 races and play a good amount with them, I'd say at least 10-20 real games (if you've never played the race at all maybe play against AI just to learn the hotkeys), and then do the same with the 3rd race. Just going straight into random is just going to throw you off and practicing with consistency is better than practicing many different things at the same time.