Starcraft – How to deal with Planetary Fortress with Turrets as Zerg


I'm a platinum player Zerg and I have one huge problem with ZvT.
If a terran manages to sneak expand somewhere on the map and build a planetary fortress and surround it with turrets, it's very hard to react. Even more so if the expansion is in another main with a ramp/choke.

A PF with repairing SCV:s can withstand a ridiculous amounts zerglings/rouaches and same against mutas if turret repairing is done right.

Then the terran can just rest with his tank army and as soon as you try to take the PF down by brute force, he kills your main/natural.

The only ways I can deal with this is to go Broodlords or out expand my opponent, but it feels like there must be a better reaction to this.

Anyone has any clever ideas to deal with such situations?

Best Answer

The only other and usually more surprising method to take down a planetary fortress is to use banelings.

It takes 20+ banelings to blow it up. A few less if you have upgrades, but you can never have too many banelings against terran.

You'll need to produce a few extra or just lead in with a few zerglings to take the first few planetary fortress shots until your banelings can connect. If you're lucky you'll be able to blow up a few SCVs as well.

Keep in mind this is somewhat cost inefficient, but come mid/late game you'll be able to afford to do this and sniping off an expansion in this manner is very effective if they're only down to a few mining bases.