Starcraft – How to open Starcraft using custom .mpq files, in windowed mode


To play Starcraft in windowed mode I use Chaoslauncher with W-Mode plugin activated.

To play Starcraft with mods (opening starcraft using more .mpq files) I use MPQDraft.

How do I open Starcraft with custom .mpq files, in windowed mode? Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

  • Download
  • Unpack them into the starcraft directory
  • Edit InfectedStarcraft.exe.injlist to contain those dlls you want to inject (at least wmode.dll)
  • Run InfectedStarcraft.exe instead of the normal Starcraft.exe. While using MPQDraft, click to browse and target InfectedStarcraft.exe.

You can't join while using this technique. The integrity check will reject it with the usual "check if you have a virus" message. ICCup without antihack should work.

There's also the latest version of W-Mode (1.02) which includes doublesize mode:

Scale to double the native resolution (640x480 => 1280x960) with no interpolation