Starcraft 2 Achievements – Good Tactics for Getting ‘Outmatched’


What are some good tactics, race and map choices for getting the outmatched achievements? I'm mainly talking about those against 3 or more hard/very hard AI's, since beating such a large force seems almost impossible. I think that a good race and map choice could do the trick.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

For every outmatched achievement, I did the exact same thing:

  1. Only do the Insane matches (The VHard Hard and Medium Achievements come along with the Insane one)

  2. Play on Megatron, it offers a great base that you can hit every enemy from one central position, which leads me to..

  3. Play Protos v Terran. Do a standard Cannon Rush: Rush one of your initial probes to the center of their 4 base area.

    Build a few probes while the rusher is in transit. As soon as he his his location you should have enough minerals to build your first pylon.

    The key is to build it far enough from all bases to not bee seen when placing. It cannot be seen when its initially placed, or they will send SCV's at you. If they see it while its building, thats no big deal. They just can't see the initial warp.

  4. Wait for the Pylon to complete, then throw down a forge. Wait for the forge, then start placing Photon Cannons at the perimeter of your lone pylon's power range.

  5. Rinse and repeat. Just keep placing cannons and pylons to expand as needed. Eventually they will quit as you've damaged their game too much.


If you don't damage them enough with the initial few cannons, they will ramp into Mech and you will lose.

If they see you place the forge or the pylon, they will mass attack with SCV's and you lose.

Follow those steps and you will be on your way to Outmatched Crusher