Starcraft – What are the Terran’s best and worst 1v1 maps


In this question, I asked what maps are good for multiplayer Starcraft matches. Now, after getting some more experience, I'm wondering: what are good/bad maps for Terran 1v1 play?

I would very much appreciate if you could provide any reference or your own explanation for why each map is good/bad for Terran.

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

While I like theory as much as the next guy, this is an area where I have to side with statistical analysis.

Assuming a balanced map implies a 50% win chance, then a map which deviates from this by a statistically significant amount can be called: imbalanced. We can control for Racial imbalance by using the current win rates; maps that deviate from that rate are considered a factor in imbalance beyond racial imbalance. To further help control for skill level I'm only going to consider top ranked matches, so we don't have to worry about mistaken matches between Bronze/Diamond players.

For my data source I will use TLPD.

Here are the calculations.

From this table, the most likely imbalanced maps are:

  1. PvZ Metal
  2. ZvT Blistering Sands
  3. TvZ Jungle Basin
  4. PvT Xel'Naga
  5. ZvT Shakuras

All of these maps have P values of less than .01 (many scientific articles require P < .05)

Thus a Terran should feel comfortable against a Zerg on Jungle Basin, but uncomfortable vs Zerg on Shakuras and Blistering Sands, and uncomfortable against Protoss on Xel'Naga. It's worth noting that Terran are favored in all maps, but that these are the only ones that deviate significantly from the standard favoring.

Note: Many of the PvZ maps did not have enough games to provide for a low enough P value.