Starcraft – What’s the best counter for Protoss Carriers


What is the best way to counter a player who is using a lot of Carriers?

Best Answer

The main problem with carriers only really arrives if you allow your opponent to build a ton of them. Alone, like Carl Clover said, they're very weak.

The secondary problem with carriers is that they're often accompanied by a mothership, which complicates matters.

One of the best ideas to counter a protoss dead-set on going carriers is to scout and provide early pressure if you see him teching quickly to a fleet beacon. He's probably spending so much money on those buildings that he has a comparatively weak army, and you should be able to do a good deal of damage.

Often the answer to a question of "how do I counter X high tier unit?" isn't so much about countering that unit once it's built, but preventing it from coming out at all.