Starcraft – Which SC2 units can accidentally cause friendly fire


Which units in Starcraft 2 cause friendly fire?

I already know that Siege Tanks do, as can misplaced Psionic Storms, but I was surprised to learn that Colossi and Banelings do not.

Which units can accidentally inflict damage on your own forces?

Best Answer

The only units that actually cause friendly fire from splash damage are:

  • Siege tank shells
  • Psionic storms
  • Widow Mine attacks (except for other widow mines)
  • Raven's Seeker Missiles
  • Ghost's EMP
  • Ghost's Tactical Nuke

Some units that you might expect to cause FF splash damage but in fact don't are:

  • Yamato cannon on BCs (doesn't cause any splash)
  • Planetary Fortresses
  • Hellion/Hellbat attacks
  • Thor attacks
  • Baneling explosions
  • Infestor's fungal growth
  • Ultralisk attacks
  • Mutalisk attacks
  • Colossi attacks
  • Archon attacks

Edit: See this website for more details.