Starcraft – ZvT: How to effectively deal with Medivacs


In ZvT when Terran plays bio, what is the best way to snip Medivacs?

I thought that could be Corruptors, but actually they are quite slow and expensive. Hydras are vulnerable to marines.

Surprisingly, Day9 mentioned that Mutas (together with lings and Bannelings) are good vs bio, but I don't understand why: Mutas suffer even more from Marines then Corruptors and hydras.

Could you please advise what are tricks to snip Medivacs? Should I really use Mutas? If yes, then how?

Best Answer

It really depens on the total compostition of the Terran army. (I am a Top 8 Diamond Terran)

My surgestions are the following:

  • VS. MMM = Infestors with Fungal and Infested Terrans.
  • VS. Marine / Tank = Mutalisks and later on Curropters when transitioning into Broods.
  • VS. any build with Hellbats = Mutalisks

So the hypothesis should be that the more bio the Terran has, the more infestor heavy your army should be. By saying this, I would recommend that you use the unit you are most confident with. (infestor or muta)

The trend on the ladder for the Zerg facing MMM, is Zerglings, Banelings and Mutalisks.

Mutalisks are great for sniping Medivacs.