Steam – Abnormally slow speeds downloading from Steam


I'm trying to download Terraria in this case, and I have tested the download speed of this computer's adapter already; 1.5mb/s. Despite this, downloading things in Steam will only reach up to 150kb/s. I have switched from 4 servers, I live in Florida so I tried Houston, Atlanta, New York, and Miami. All 4 gave me the same speed or worse. Please help.

I have another computer with Steam on it that runs Windows 10, but can download up to 3mb/s. This is an issue on here.

EDIT: I do recommend checking all the solutions people have given, it doesn't seem my solution was universal. Hope you can figure it out here.

Best Answer

I had the same problem and the dnsmasq solution did not work for me, neither did changing download server or set a download limit. I hope this will help others in the future:

The problem for me was that my steam folder was on a mounted ntfs partition with sync enabled (check /etc/fstab). That throttles write-speed significantly. Change sync to async and I have normal writing speeds which means Steam can download at full speed, too.