Steam – Continue from downloading folder


Last night I've been downloading Payday2 update. It was 5.3GB and requiring over 3 hours. So I decided keep turn on my laptop and sleep. I opened cmd ( and entered command -shutdown -s -f -t 14400, which means my computer will shutdown after 4 hour by force. I thought its enough time. Then I just woke up. Turned on my laptop. Payday 2 5.3GB update downloading from start. It will now require over 4,5 hours again. When I go to steam's downlading folder there is 19.6 GB file. If it's complete can I use that? At least if not complete can I continue from there?

Best Answer

If that file is indeed Payday 2's partial download, Steam should automatically resume. If it is not, there isn't anything you can do with it to "force" it to resume because you simply don't know what it is.

I have paused downloads during online play, forgot I paused it, shut off computer, and then find that it was partially downloaded the next time I start up Steam.

The second issue is the use of the -f tag in the shutdown command (this is getting into Super User domain here). This is a FORCED shutdown, and it ungracefully kills running applications. This command can shutdown Word with unsaved documents. Steam most likely did not complete the shutdown properly and ended up with corrupted partial downloads, thus having to restart it again.