Steam – Best way to connect multiple controllers to a PC


I was considering building a LAN PC (e.g. a Mini ITX portable build) to bring around to my friends houses.

I remember last time I tried to play two player Castle Crashers on Steam, we had a problem where controllers would not connect correctly.
When my friend pressed A it would make my character jump.


Is it possible to connect multiple controllers to a PC? If so, what tool did you use? Would it work with old console emulators (like Nintendo 64 / etc.)? Do all the controllers have to be of the same type? (e.g. all Xbox controllers)

Best Answer

You should be able to connect up to 4 controllers to your computer without any issues.

I personnaly connect my Xbox 360 and DualShock V2 controllers at the same time to play Street Fighter V locally and have never ran into any problems. I'm guessing the issue you encountered was likely linked to the game itself and not Steam.