Steam – Confusing information on Steam regarding version of Settlers 7


The page in the steam store for Settlers 7 Deluxe Gold Edition says it includes all the DLC content

The Deluxe Gold Edition includes the original game fully patched and complete DLC content, plus free additional content:

  • 13 exclusive maps: 6 multiplayer maps and 7 single player campaigns.
  • A dozen new buildings. Including the Crypt, Order of Knights, Infernal mine.
  • Over 30 new locations. Including Field of Mandrake, Treasure Island, Pilgrimage site.
  • Castle forge elements allowing players to make their cities unique and customize their castles: 1 gate, 2 windows, 1 bay, 1 balcony and 1 gargoyle.

However, a little under that text there's a link to purchase the DLC content

Settlers 7 purchase information screenshot

So, does the game include the DLC or not? Is it referring to another DLC?
Also, I was unable to find "the original game" (the one that's not the Deluxe Gold Edition) in the store.

Best Answer

I'd guess that the DLC is just there for users who originally bought the "non-deluxe" game without all the DLC. I've seen Steam retire the original versions of games before, and just keep the special editions.