Steam – How to find a game in Steam that has had a trial period in the past


A while back I played an awesome Steam game. The game normally costs around $20 but there was a free trial period/weekend at the time, so I played it for a little. Now a year later I really want to buy the game because I have the money and a better Mac and such, but I can't find it.

Is there anyway I can find it through Steam (using filters or a specialized search or something)?

Best Answer

According to steam, downloaded 'free weekend games' are not removed from your local hard drive, unless you manually remove them. The games name also remains in your library, unless you manually remove it. So you could find it that way.

If you did manually uninstall it and remove it, another possible way to figure out what the game was is to go through your user history, though I can't find a reliable source to verify if free games show up in that history or not.