Steam – install Steam on a machine running XBMCbuntu


I have a living room computer running XBMCbuntu, which is essentially a streamlined version of Ubuntu geared towards running XBMC (and so it boots directly into XBMC).

The machine it's installed on is pretty weak from a gaming standpoint, but I have a few indie titles that it should be able to run and I am very curious to see if it would be able to handle in-home streaming of games.

Since, to my best understanding, XBMCbuntu has some Ubuntu bits missing to keep it lightweight, I was wondering if it is at all possible to install the Steam client on it. A simple Google search did not yield anything reliable/conclusive, and so I turn to the expertise of you fine gentle-persons.

Have any of you had any experience with installing Steam on a plain XBMCbuntu machine? If so I would love to know how to get started. To be clear, the machine is more or less at the state one would get to by following the installation instructions on fresh machine.

Best Answer

I am not familiar with XBMCbuntu, but if you can get to a terminal and have sudo and apt installed, you should be able to:

sudo apt-get install steam

to install it.

Steam was added in the 12.04 repositories, so if XBMCbuntu uses the standard repos or clones of them, it should be as easy as just entering that command.

If XBMCbuntu doesn't allow you to get to a terminal or doesn't have sudo or apt installed, it may have synaptic installed by default and you can get it from there by searching for "steam".

If it isn't there, I think the official valve repo is: "release version"/steam