Steam – What does the progress bar just below a steam download signify


On Steam, whenever a download is taking place, there are two progress bars: One on the bottom which is global to the Steam application, and the other is only visible in the Downloads screen.

I am referring, of course, to this bar:

Best Answer

The bar at the bottom represents the download progress, which is measured simply in amount downloaded vs. total amount to download, both in bytes.

The bar for the individual games represents patching progress, measured in patch changes applied to the game files.

But in the picture above, are you telling me that more than 75% of the installation has completed when only 5% of the download is finished?

The two bars may progress in a different way:

  • There may be many small changes in an update. These small changes can be easy to compress, thus having a tiny effect on the download bar while accounting for most of the patching progress.

  • Combined with new, larger files which will weigh much more on the download bar than on the patching bar, you get a discrepancy.

In your specific case, I imagine the "many small differences"-bit was downloaded first, representing most of the changes needing to be made, before larger, single-change files (new content?) were added.