Steams Servers Are To Busy To Complete Installation


I had a problem with Portal 2 on steam a bit ago where when I tried to launch it after the creepy Valve intro the game would crash. I went to validate my files and after I did that I opened the game when I saw a window that said, completing installation. When it reaches 100% it says that Steam's servers are to busy. I have tried it multiple times as well as early in the morning and late at night. How can I complete my installation of the validated file?

Best Answer

I found that answer here and it seems like it helped a lot of people with the same problem.

I think it was a side effect of the anti-piracy protection implemented by Valve.

Portal 2 makes use of a Steamworks feature called "Custom Executable Generation": the Portal 2 executable (portal2.exe, plus some Steam-related DLLs) is not downloaded with the other game files. When the game is started for the first time after an update/new installation has been performed, Steam sends a request to the Steam servers so that the custom-made Portal 2 executable (tied to the Steam account) can be generated and then downloaded (the "Installing..." operation you can see during the first run is actually the executable download; also, the one or two files that can not be validated when you verify Portal 2's game cache integrity are the custom executable and libraries).

The latest update triggered this mechanism and, when many Portal 2 players tried to launch the game again, the Steam servers were probably overloaded by generation requests, hence the error message. I just attempted to launch the game again and it worked for me, if not just wait or choose another (less overloaded) content server from the Settings dialog.