Overwatch – Strategic Incurring of the Leaver Penalty to Boost W/L Rate


Assume someone is really intent on having a very good win/loss rate.

There is a 75% exp penalty for frequent leavers, which means frequent leavers will level up significantly slower.

Matchmaking is at least partly (?) based on level.

Considering all of the above, would it be possible (and prudent) for someone who seeks to maximize their W/L ratio to quit every very likely lost game before the end, in order to be matched with newer players for longer?

Best Answer

First off, its not based on Level. Level is just a number representing the amount of time you've put into the game.

Secondly, if you're not happy with your team you can leave when the match is over and restart the queue to get a fresh batch of teammates and enemies.

I personally don't see a reason to handicap your loot box receiving time, it won't help you get any better or worse players for your or your enemy's teams.

Also, I watched a video recently (can't find it though) where the narrator suggests that the game will strive for 50/50 W/L ratio. The more you win the tougher opponents you'll get. The more you lose the easier it will be on you. It was a speculation only, but it made sense.