Terraria – How do weapon modifiers stack with other bonuses in Terraria


If I have a weapon with a +X% damage modifier (e.g. Ruthless) while also having +Y% total other damage bonuses (from accessories, buffs, etc…), will the total damage be:

Multiplicative: (BaseDamage * (100% + X%)) * (100% + Y%)
Additive: BaseDamage * (100% + X% + Y%)

Best Answer

Based on the information in the wiki, it appears to be additive.

A weapon's damage stat is determined cumulatively such as:

Base damage * [1 + Weapon modifier/100 + (Head + Chest + Legs + Set bonus)/100 + (Accessory1 + Accessory2 + Acessory3 + Accessory4 + Accessory5 + AccMod1 + AccMod2 + AccMod3 + AccMod4 + AccMod5)/100]

For example, Godly Dao of Pow with Turtle Armor, Menacing Warrior emblem, Menacing Avenger emblem, Menacing Destroyer Emblem, Menacing Mechanical Glove and Menacing Celestial Stone equipped:

50 * [1 + 15/100 + (6+8+0+0)/100 + (15+12+10+12+10+4+4+4+4+4)/100]
 = 50 * [1 + 15/100 + 14/100 + 79/100]
 = 50 * [1 + .15 + .14 + .79]
 = 50 * 2.08
 = 104

Note: Damage always rounds to the nearest whole number, which alters modifiers' percentages accordingly. It rounds down for .5 damage or less and up for anything above .5 damage.