Terraria – I’ve killed the Wall of Flesh but can’t get to the loot


I have beaten the Wall of Flesh but can't get to the loot, as I died from the lava just after. The Hardmode enemies are too difficult to kill and do so much damage that I can't get past them to reach the Underworld. Does anyone have any tips or ideas to help me get the loot? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

While the Pwnhammer is instrumental in getting easy access to hardmode ores, there is another way!

Crates can be fished from the water! These crates have a chance to contain hardmore ores, allowing you access to those more powerful armor and weapon pieces. Depending on if you're playing the PC, Console, or Mobile versions, your access to certain crates may be denied, as the Console and Mobile versions only have Wood, Iron, and Golden crates.

Better bait and better fishing rods will give you greater chances at obtaining crates from your fishing excursions. The Angler's quests will give you access to better rods and bait over time, but these can take some time to complete. Once you're better geared up, you can make your way down to the Underworld to get your WoF loot, and maybe even fight it a few more times.

Information gained from here.