The “attack” of an attack called


"Attack" is a term used in music to describe the time from the beginning to the peak of a musical note. I was unable to find a fighting game term for "attack" – the time between pressing the button on the controller and the attack connecting. Is there one and what is it?

I've only found that the time after the attack is called "recovery".

Best Answer

In Fighting games this is generally called an Active Frame.

Each attack has zero or more Startup frames, an animation that plays before damage can be dealt, one or more Active Frames where a "hurtbox" of some sort exists that can cause damage, and zero or more Recovery Frames where your character "winds down" from the attack and can no longer do damage without canceling into another attack (where applicable).

Despite being defined for fighting games (since players often have to actually discuss frame data) any sprite based or even 3D model based attacks can usually be discussed in the same manner.