The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim – Best Obtainable Gear in Heavy Armor, Light Armor, and Clothing


There seems to be 3 general categories of gear in Skyrim: Heavy Armor, Light Armor, and Clothing. These seem to (roughly) correspond with the three class archetypes of warrior, thief, and mage.

In Elder Scrolls games, finishing quests to get rare artifacts is generally a good way to get uber-powerful equipment. Another very effective way is to enchant armor and weapons yourself, and as a bonus you generally don't need to leave town for more than a few materials. In Skyrim, crafting your own now seems to be a very viable option.

What is the most powerful (by AR or damage) user-crafted gear, and how would one obtain it? I assume crafting skill bonuses would be required for smithing and enchanting; how would you attain these bonuses?

Best Answer

Basically, one can get armor/weapons up to:

  • Full Daedric Armor: 2125 Armor
  • Daedric Bow: 562 Damage
  • Daedric Dagger: 171 Damage
  • Daedric Two Handed Sword: 605 Damage
  • Daedric One Handed Sword: 518 Damage

Perks you need (33 perks):

  • Heavy Armor (Juggernaut 5, Well Fitted, Tower Of Strength, Matching Set)
  • 5 Weapon Perks (base, damage raising) of your choice
  • Smithing (Steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Ebony, Daedric)
  • Enchanting (5 X Enchanter, Insighful, Corpus, Extra Effect)
  • Alchemy (5 X Alchemy, Physician, Benefactor)


  1. Get max perks and 100 in each skill.
  2. Enchant fortify alchemy helm, ring, gloves + necklace. The buff should be +25 on each for + 100 total.
  3. Put on the gear and make 4 fortify enchant potions (+ 27ish?)
  4. Use those potions to make better fortify alchemy gear. Note: you have to be quick because you only have 30 seconds per potion.
  5. Use that gear to make better fortify enchanting potions.
  6. Keep repeating 4 - 5 until you can make fortify alchemy + 29 on each piece (116 total)
  7. Use 4 +32 enchanting pots to create fortify smithing rings, neck, gloves and chest.
  8. Make some fortify smithing potions (+130% with your alchemy gear)
  9. Craft daedric armor, shield and weapon.
  10. Put on your smithing gear, drink the potion (130 + 116 = +246% to smithing), then improve your weapons.
  11. Make about 10 enchanting potions (+32)
  12. Enchant a ring gloves and neck with fortify heavy armor and fortify one handed. (I believe the number was 29 for armor 47% for weapon? Not in front of computer).
  13. Enchant health / heavy armor to chest.
  14. Enchant one handed / stamina to boots.
  15. Enchant helm with whatever you want.
