Factorio – Best Methods to Collect Active Bots for Upgrading


I'm playing Factorio Sea Block mode which includes a bunch of Angel's and Bob's mods. One of them allows you to upgrade your bots up to mk4.

Problem is, I already have more than a thousand of both logistic and construction bots flying around. I need to collect them so I can upgrade them, preferably without running to each and every roboport and setting an inserter with a chest near it.

Is there a way to force bots to gather in roboport of my choice? If not, is there simpler way to collect them?

Best Answer

I know that you can put inserter on roboport which should take excess robot out to store them.

You can use the same logic on filter inserters to take only older robots out of the network as soon as they dock. Make sure that all roboports are covered. You can even fill logistic chests so your robots will carry them to wherever you manufacture the upgraded robots.

I don't believe there is a good way to force robots to dock. Short of turning off all your logistic chests which would be a nightmare in a megabase.