The definition of a “pug”


What is a "pug"? I've heard multiple instances of it used in many MMORPG and FPS games.

I've heard of games called "pubs", but those I think reference public games. Is there a difference between pub and pug games?

Best Answer

They are the same thing. Folks that come from a MMORPG lineage, especially WoW, will tend to call them PUGs (Pick up groups). PUG is also defined as "Pick up game" in some circles. Folks who haven't been in the MMORPG scene may simply refer to them as Pub, short for Public Groups.

All told, the common vein is that these are games with people you don't know. They are called out in discussion usually because of the negative connotation of choosing to mix with the unwashed masses who make up the internet at large. The "Online Disinhibition Effect" (which you may know by it's NSFW name) tends to exhibit heavily in games of this type, resulting in a negative experience for those that just want to play the game.