The level significance in XMP bursters and resonators


I was hoping someone could explain the levels Ingress uses. For example, do L2 XMP bursters only take out L2 resonators, or can they take out L1 resonators as well?

Best Answer

Each level of XMP make the weapon more powerfull.

Each level of Resonator make it more resistant (and increase range of potental links).

Here you can find a table with the power of each level of XMP Burster (source) :

EDIT: Since 18 January 2013 there are some new range values :

Level  Range  Damage
-----  -----  ------
   1     42     150
   2     48     300
   3     58     500
   4     72     900
   5     90    1200
   6    112    1500
   7    138    1800
   8    168    2700

Or a nice image (Outdated for the moment) :

XMP Burster Range And Damage

Here is a summary of the different levels :

Level  AP required  Max XM     Burster     Resonator HP  Portal Range
                            Damage  Range
-----  -----------  ------  ------  -----  ------------  ------------
   1           0     3000     150     42       1000            160 m
   2      10,000     4000     300     48       1500          2.56 km
   3      30,000     5000     500     58       2000         12.96 km
   4      70,000     6000     900     72       2500         40.96 km
   5     150,000     7000    1200     90       3000        100 km
   6     300,000     8000    1500    112       4000        207 km
   7     600,000     9000    1800    138       5000        384 km
   8   1,200,000    10000    2700    168       6000        655 km