The mineral composition of each type of ore


In EVE Online, each type of ore refines into one or more mineral, so for example, Veldspar regardless of type (Concentrated, Dense, etc) will always refine 100% into Tritanium.

While the information page for each ore will tell you what it breaks down into, this is pretty vague and will result in something like the following;

With a large portion of nocxium the Hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, pyerite, mexallon and isogen as well as trace amounts of Zydrine. It requires 500 ore units to refine.

I'm more specifically interested in a breakdown for each ore of the following;

  • How much ore is required to refine
  • What the mineral composition of each type of ore is
  • How much of each mineral you will get by refining

Best Answer

As per the Evelopedia, this is the composition of all ores in their base variation and at 100% efficiency. The numbers denote batch size and output respectively.

Arkonor - 200

Bistot - 200

Crokite - 250

Mercoxit - 250

Spodumain - 250

Plagioclase - 333

Pyroxeres - 333

Scordite - 333

Veldspar - 333

Dark Ochre - 400

Gneiss - 400

Kernite - 400

Hedbergite - 500

Hemorphite - 500

Jaspet - 500

Omber - 500

For further values (such as those for other ore variations), there is also a spreadsheet on the Evelopedia. Please note: This spreadsheet is currently outdated as per the Odyssey expansion.