There is no description on the character creation page of RuneScape


I just started playing on RuneScape, well, actually, I haven't started playing yet. I'm on the character creation screen and there are different kinds of clothes designs, some with weapons, some without. I don't know what each of them specifically do. Why are there no descriptions as to what that certain class is?

Here's a screenshot of one without weapon.
enter image description here

And here's a screenshot of the other one with a weapon.

Best Answer

In Runescape, all clothing and other appearance options affect only the appearance of the character. They don't matter at all to stats or anything else in game. You will also have the option to change them after you start playing.

Runescape does not have a class system. All characters can learn the same skills equally well, and no choices you make when you start or while playing will prevent you from learning a certain skill or doing a certain quest.