Uplay Shop Tab Missing


I'm in a very strange situation. When I run Uplay and log in, there is no shop tab. Usually, I start all my PC games from Steam, which means I don't use Uplay very often.

I tried to fix this bug by reinstalling the latest version of Uplay, but this didn't help. I always log in online; I never use offline mode.

Did I miss a special setting to enable the shop?

Best Answer

According to this post in the Ubisoft forums, you can't see the shop if:

  1. Uplay account only has games purchased via Steam

  2. You launch Uplay via Steam

But you can see the shop if:

You launch Uplay from its own shortcut and own at least one game that you didn't buy through Steam.

What you can do:

You can still buy games from http://shop.ubi.com/ regardless of if you can see the shop tab in the client or not. If you decided to do that at some point (Or anywhere else other than Steam) then you'd be able to see the shop by simply launching Uplay from its own shortcut in future.