VMWare and Hearthstone (Battle.net)


I am running Ubuntu 14.04 so I'm trying to use VMWare, Windows 7 x64 machine to be able to play Hearthstone. However, every time I load up Battle.net launcher, it gives me the error message "Failed to create a graphics context." (https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/blzbntbna0000000a) I followed the instructions from http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/10467796744 to create the virtual machine and setup battle.net.

I have allocated enough RAM and hard drive space, set # cores to 4, disabled 3-D Hardware acceleration, and installed VMware tools.

Best Answer

You said you disabled 3D acceleration in your VM, but you need it enabled to run programs that use OpenGL or Direct3D (such as most games).