What are the most valuable potion effects


I have a new character, and I'm currently levelling both my Alchemy and Speechcraft, by crafting potions in a store and selling them to the merchant in order to buy more ingredients. However, most of my potions are worth fairly little.

I've noticed that a potion with "Slow" as an effect is worth anywhere from 400 – 600 gold, depending on secondary effects, compared to about 80 for a restore health potion. Are there more valuable effects I should be looking for?

Best Answer

A user has asked a similar question, concerning how to make money efficiently, and the accepted answer is to make potions of invisibility.

According to the Elder Scrolls Wiki, invisibility ingredients include

  • Ash Creep Cluster
  • Chaurus Eggs
  • Crimson Nirnroot
  • Ice Wraith Teeth
  • Luna Moth Wing
  • Nirnroot
  • Vampire Dust

That said, purchasing ingredients from the merchants can be a very inefficient way to generate money. Vendors will charge more for the ingredients then the average yield for the potions - especially with higher quality potions that require more expensive reagents.

You might find it more beneficial to create low value potions. Consider how much the ingredients are being purchased for. Higher-value potions may not earn you back as much in comparison to lower-quality potions that require cheaper ingredients. You can generally make more of them at a time, due to availability of ingredients, in turn generating more experience. The best value advice is to harvest your own ingredients, but you appear to be favoring merchant ingredients for working on your speechcraft.