What Does “VGA 90” Mean


I've seen the term VGA 90 in several eBay auctions, usually in ones that are new or factory sealed.

I tried Googling it but found nothing.

What does VGA 90 mean?

Best Answer

It is the VGA grade assigned to that item. You were probably looking at an item related to video games. This is a grade assigned by "Video Game Authority".

The VGA Gold level consists of the grades 100, 95+, 95, 90+, 90, and 85+. A very small percentage of items submitted to VGA receive a Gold level grade. An items flaws must be very minor, subtle, and can often be difficult to identify with the naked eye. A collector who is extremely condition sensitive should be satisfied with the condition of a Gold level item in the vast majority of instances.

You can find more details on the following website: http://www.vggrader.com/faq.aspx

Hope this helps.