Path-of-Exile – Useful Flasks for Labyrinth Runs in Path of Exile


As a life-based build, and bad with trap mechanics, I constantly find myself dying in the Trials and in the Labyrinth. I realized the utility flasks I'm using for the rest of the game aren't helping me at all. What could be the best flask setup for a life-based build to run the Labyrinth, provided that I don't have troubles with mobs, but the traps freak me out?

I now have around 2500 life at level 80, but the exact numbers aren't really relevant.

I'm inclined to equip 5 Chemist's Divine Life flasks of Adrenaline, but maybe I'm missing some useful flask mods.

Best Answer

You can't use armor to reduce damage from traps that deal damage over time (saws, spinning spike pillars etc.) meaning any armor based utility flasks are not helpful in those cases. It's seems that any sources of physical damage reduction will help so try a basalt flask and note any difference here. The skill immortal call gives a short duration immunity to physical damage but it will not activate off of damage over time effects meaning you will have to cast it manually.

You can however use armor flasks for hit based traps such as guillotines or floor spike traps. Since these deal damage as a hit and not over time you can reduce their damage with armor. These traps also apply a short bleed effect so getting a cauterizing (remove bleed) flask can cancel out their damage past the initial hit.

Fire floors are reduced by fire resist so they are already the least dangerous of the trap types, but you can get a ruby flask to help mitigate damage even further.

If you would rather run and heal through traps I would get a 20% saturated divine flask of adrenaline to heal the most hp while increasing move speed. Saturated increases amount heal by 50% while also reducing duration by 33%. This evens out that it heals at the same rate as a standard divine flask but for a longer duration. Adrenaline as you know increases your movespeed by a percent amount.

If you are taking shorter bursts of trap damage you could get any standard eternal flask instead. These flasks heal faster but for a smaller amount. Alternatively use a catalysed divine flask which will double its healing per second and is slightly better than a standard eternal flask. Note that since Divine flasks have a higher base heal, quality will give better results than on an eternal flask.