Factorio – Best Fuel for Flamethrower Turrets


Version 0.13 adds flamethrower turrets to the game. They can be operated with crude oil, heavy oil or light oil. Does the choice of oil have any impact on their performance? Also, which one is the more economical choice regarding crude oil consumption (heavy and light oil are made from crude oil and light oil can be made from heavy oil)?

Best Answer

Does the choice of oil have any impact on turret performance?

Yes. Heavy Oil gives 5% damage bonus, and Light Oil gives 10% bonus.

Which one is the more economical choice regarding crude oil consumption?

As Oil Processing produces large amounts of Petroleum (at least 40% of output), which is not useable in flamethrower turrets, and rate of fuel consumption does not change with fuel type, crude oil will be most economical choice.

What fuel should I use?

If you are interested in most economic choice, Crude Oil is the fuel of choice. If you want most DPS from your turret setup, use Light Oil. In most practical setups, there would be noneven ratio of production/consumption of different oil products, so you are probably want to use what you have in excess.