The Witcher 3 – Quests Unavailable After ‘Capture the Castle’


I am up to the main quest "Capture the Castle" in the Blood & Wine DLC. While going to the mission, I got a warning telling me that doing this quest may result in some side quests becoming unavailable, so I've decided to not do it just yet.

I've read that there aren't any quests that become unavailable regardless of the result of this quest, but why would the game bother prompting the player with a warning if that was the case?

So my question is: what (if any) side quests could become unavailable after I complete "Capture the Castle"?

Best Answer

According to a user here, there is only one side quest that becomes unavailable after completing Capture the Castle:

The only quest you need to finish before Capture the Castle is Warble of a Smitten Knight.

The same thing is said in this thread:

I think its just the Warble of a Smitten Knight quest.

When I did it all that failed was warble of a smitten knight, everything else was fine

Lastly, this thread supports this, as well:

Only "The Warble of a Smitten Knight" as far as I know.

yes just smitten knight quest, is the only one that comes up "failed" when you progress to the next stage

Thus, it looks like as long as you finish "The Warble of a Smitten Knight," you won't miss out on anything by completing Capture the Castle.