What was “cloak blink time”


An old item set for the Spy, the Saharan Spy, was added to Team Fortress 2.

The set bonus said:

Reduced decloak sound volume
0.5 sec longer cloak blink time

What does "cloak blink time" mean? Is this the time that you are still visible while turning cloaked, or is it the time you appear when you get hit or bump into something?

Best Answer

The cloak blink time is the time the spy "shimmers" and becomes partially visible after getting hit or bumping into enemy players - your 2nd guess is accurate.

0.5 seconds may not sound like a particularly long duration, but I've personally killed a lot of spies because of that blink effect and I do believe this will have impact on gameplay. Usually when I attack a blinking spy I don't 100% know where he is, just the general direction he was walking in the last time I hit him. With this, I might be able to chain my shots while the spy remains visible the whole time.