What’s the Stunlancer’s % odds of inflicting Stun, Disorient, and Unconscious


I just played a Legend Ironman campaign which I lost. A large part of why I lost was that Stunlancers would KO me 90% of the time that they hit me with the baton, rarely ever doing Stun or Disorient. So what are the exact odds of each of the statuses that they can inflict?

Best Answer

I know this is a very old question and maybe the OP isn't even interested anymore, but I will answer anyway. The debuff is defined by a stat contest between the Lancer's Strength (75 for normal Lancers, 85 for Heavy, 95 for Elite) and the Soldier's Will.

After the Lancer hits the melee attack, he has a 50 + Strength - Will chance to apply a debuff. If he succeeds in this roll there is a second roll to define which debuff. The Weights are defined by the ratio between Strength and Will and the final chances (in %) end up being:

  • Disorientation: 200 x WILL^2 / (2 x STR^2 + 2 x WILL^2 + STR x WILL)
  • Stun: 100 x (STR + WILL) x STR / (2 x STR^2 + 2 x WILL^2 + STR x WILL)
  • Unconsciousness: 100 x STR^2 / (2 x STR^2 + 2 x WILL^2 + STR x WILL)