What’s wrong with the crossbow bolts in The witcher 3


I'm playing The witcher 3 on Xbox one, and I'm a bit confused with the crossbow bolts stats. For instance, currently I have these stacks in my inventory:

        Quality: Blue (master)    | Yellow (magic)   | Brown (relic)    | Regular (black)
Level required  | 9               | 14               | 22               | 1 
Quantity I have | 10              | 22               | 20               | Unlimited
Weight          | 0.51            | 1.11             | 3.01             | 0.06
Value           | 8 coins each    | 10 coins each    | 16 coins each    | 0 coins
Damage          | 7-9, +8 silver  | 9-11, +10 silver | 13-15 +14 silver | 9-11
Other effects   | bleeding 15s    |                  |                  |

So I can use the default crossbow bolts, which only do 11 damage at maximum, or swap to the relic ones, which would let me do 29 total damage until I run out of them. Everything is clear, right?

Well… I forgot to add something to the table above. The standard bolts also do a bit of silver damage. +400 silver damage, to be precise. Whaaaat!?

So I can choose between 17 damage (master quality), 21 (magical item), 29 (relic), or… 411 (crappy quality). Seriously? Also, I have an unlimited supply of those, and they don't even weight much, as opposed to the other bolt stacks.

What am I missing here?????

Should I just throw away all the non-standard bolt stacks? (No merchant is willing to buy them… no wonder why!)

Best Answer

On the PS4 version with patch 1.23 the normal bolts display as +400 silver damage only when underwater. Otherwise they display as +4 silver damage. That also seems to match the damage they do.

People do seem to have run in to a bug where the game still considered you to be underwater when you were back on land again. Possibly you have hit that.