Which are the improvements on single player in Mount & Blade: Warband


I liked Mount & Blade and I would like to known which are the improvements on the single player in Warband about gameplay, graphics, etc.. I am not really interested in multiplayer.

Best Answer

Here's a list of some changes that I've noticed

  • A new faction was added, the Sarranid Sultunate.
  • The map and faction positions have changed.
  • There are new political options, for example
    • If you create your own faction, you have the option of recruiting enemy lords
    • Marriage, which works differently if you are a male or female.
  • Combat has changed slightly. However, it is difficult to notice unless compared side-to-side. This affects things such as swinging animations and projectile accuracy.
    • Individual arrows, bolts, and throwing weapons can now be picked up off the environment if they miss the enemy.
    • It is more difficult to hit enemies from horseback.
    • In my opinion, the combat is worse. Swinging your weapon is no longer as quick or as intuitive as the original. They probably made these changes to balance the multiplayer mode.
  • The graphics are now better, though still nowhere near that of games with large development costs.
  • There is support for custom single player battles, where you can choose the two factions and Cavalry/Infantry/Archer ratios as well as the map and game type (battle and siege).

As a side note, the multiplayer mode is quite fun and I suggest you try it at least once.