Overwatch – Who Gets the ‘Game Won’ Statistic When Switching Heroes Mid-Game?


In Overwatch, you can view a number of statistics on various heroes you've played throughout the game. One of the notable ones to look at is "Games Won".

One might think that if you play a game and use a hero, you've played one game as that hero, and if you win that game, it should count towards your "games won" for that hero.

But Overwatch is also a game where you can change heroes halfway through a game – starting as one, then changing if things go poorly or if the situation calls for it.

So if I start a game as one hero, then finish it as another, and win, how does the game count how many "Games Won" to add to which heroes?

To clarify: On the "Overview" page, if I select "games won" in the "Hero comparison", if I use several heroes during a single game, which hero(s) "games won" would increase?

Best Answer

At the end of a match, character win/loss statistics are attributed as a fraction corresponding to the percentage of the match's duration played as that character. On the character statistics display, however, character wins/losses are rounded to the nearest integer, which is responsible for much of the confusion surrounding the statistic.

As stated by Scott Mercer on the Battle.net forums:

When you get a win, each hero is credited for a portion of the win corresponding to the % of the match's playtime as that hero.

So if you play Mercy 60% of a match you won, and Lucio 40% of that same match, the hero specific win totals on the career overview are credited by 0.6 and 0.4, respectively. We then round the displayed value of games won by hero to the nearest integer.

In Scott's example, assuming 0 wins for both Mercy and Lucio prior to the match, the character statistics would display 1 win for Mercy and 0 for Lucio. The next time a match was won with at least 10% of the game spent playing Lucio, he too would display a win.