Which hold has the most giant camps


As an aspiring Giant and Mammoth poacher/hunter I would appreciate knowing which hold has the most camps.

I know both Whiterun Hold and Eastmarch have large numbers of Giants, Mammoths and Giant Camps, but I was wondering which has the most camps?

Best Answer

Giant camps are common across Skyrim

The holds with the most camps is actually a tie between The pale and Whiterun, which both have 4 known Giant camps.

Hjaalmarch hold has one, and Eastmarch hold has three.

The Pale - Blizzard Rest - Red Road Pass - Stonehill Bluff - Tumble Arch Pass

Whiterun - Bleakwind Basin - Guldun Rock - Secunda's Kiss - Sleeping Tree Camp

Hjaalmarch - Talking Stone Camp

Eastmarch - Broken Limb Camp - Cradlecrush Rock - Steamcrag Camp

Here is a map from the elderscrolls.wikia detailing the locations on a Skyrim map.Giant Camps in Skyrim